
There is a telephone at your bedside.

For local calls, dial “9” and then the number you want to call. A calling card or collect call can be used for long distance calls.

To make a long distance call, dial “81” then “0” plus the area code and the number you want to call. To call someone within the hospital, dial the four digit extension.

To avoid disturbing our patients, incoming calls to the hospital are not put through to patient rooms before 7 am or after 9 pm.

Urgent calls during these hours will be put through to the nurses’ station.

We understand how important it is to stay connected with your family while spending time in our facility, and cell phones are a great way to do so. We do ask that you be mindful of areas where your cell phone may affect medical equipment.

It is best to remain away from the bedside and equipment while speaking on your cell phone. Stepping into a hallway or waiting room is a better choice. On our Special Care Units, our policy is that our visitors step out of the unit to use cell phones. Thank you for understanding.