End of life planning checklist

When someone passes away, it can be a stressful time.

To help your family for end-of-life planning, use this checklist of important papers to complete, then make a plan to store the information in a fire and waterproof safe.

1. Estate Planning

  • Make or update your will
  • Make a living will (a legal document that specifies how you want to be treated if you are unable to make medical decisions for yourself)
  • Create Durable Power of Attorney (a legal document that gives someone the authority to make decisions for you when you are unable to do so)
  • Create an outline of your final instructions (burial wishes, etc.)
  • Figure out your financial wishes (who will inherit your estate – family or a foundation)
  • Establish a trust if necessary
  • Consider funeral preplanning

2. Insurance Planning

  • Buy or update life insurance
  • Update health/medical insurance
  • Update beneficiary information for pension plans, IRA, 401(k) and other retirement accounts

3. Organizing Financial Records

  • Create a list of financial accounts
  • Create a list of valuable documents
  • Make a list of your personal data
  • Make arrangements for access to your safe-deposit box
  • List all bills that need to be paid
  • List income sources
  • Indicate location of important records

4. Personal Planning

  • Create an advance directive (download here – NorthernLightHealth/caregiving
  • Find someone you trust who can assist in your final planning
  • Designate a family member or friend to carry out your wishes
  • Indicate any additional planning you may need including the care of your pets
  • Compiling list of important contacts (lawyer, doctors, employers, insurance agents, automobile insurance)

5. Downsize Belongings

  • Preparing ahead of time to get rid of things will make a transition easier if you get sick
  • Talk with your loved ones, find out what they may want
  • Get rid of the clutter, your loved ones are probably not going to want half of what you have – for more about getting rid of clutter, read our How Are You? article here. Sprucing Up Your Space Can Lift More Than Just Dust - Northern Light Health

Bonus Task: Live your life to the fullest. Find the things that make your heart sing and enjoy the time we all have left with your favorite loved ones. Don’t wait until the end to go out and enjoy that lobster feast and pop open the sparkling cider.