Helping your kids to unplug and unwind on cold winter days

The frosty chill in the winter air may have some kids wanting to stay warm inside. Unfortunately, this can make the allure of spending time on digital devices and screens all that more tempting. However, allowing our kids to cave in to temptation and spend too much time on electronics can put them at risk of health problems, both mentally and physically.

Zainab Alam, MD, primary care physician for Northern Light Inland Hospital shares, “It is so important to limit screen time for children to no more than one or two hours. When kids spend too much time looking at screens, their brains experience a surge in dopamine, the ‘feel-good’ neurochemical. This release happens because of constant stimulation, whether it’s from social media, video games or instant entertainment. The more they engage, they more dopamine is released, which can create a cycle very similar to addictive behavior. Overtime their brains may become conditioned to crave this instant gratification, making it harder for them to focus, leading to ADHD type behaviors.”

She also adds that physically, it not only puts a child at risk of obesity but can result in poor quality sleep, leading to fatigue and increased snacking. “Children who also spend more than two hours a day on screens are more likely to have emotional and behavioral issues, irritability, and impaired academic performance.”

Fortunately, with a little planning and inspiration, it can be easy to find alternative options. There are numerous simple and fun ways to keep your child engaged and active without screens. Hanna Bouchard, Community Health Outreach coordinator for Northern Light Inland Hospital provided a couple of easily accessible resources for fun and creative activities for kids to do during the winter that don’t involve screens. “Screen Free Week has 101 free activities and fantastic low-cost, local options for families categorized for both indoor and outdoor play as well as different places to visit around town.” (101 Screen Free Activities)

For a different twist, Hanna recommends challenging your kids to Winter Activity Bingo. This approach provides a variety of screen-free activities on a Bingo Board, which will have your child trying multiple options to win at Bingo or even fill out the entire card. “It’s one way to get inspired to enjoy time without screens, make happy memories, and perhaps even challenge other friends and siblings to get away from the screens as well,” shares Hanna. Give it a try and discover how many different ways you and your children can reach Bingo!