Tips for preventing skin cancer

Did you know that skin is your body’s largest organ? It’s true! Our skin does so many things for us that it deserves our attention to keep it healthy. It is obviously a waterproof wrapping that keeps our bodies together, it helps keep us cool by sweating, it enables us to feel and sense the world around us, and it provides a “force field” of sorts that protects us from the dangers of bacteria and other organisms that would love to infiltrate our skin and take root in our blood and tissue. Incredible!

One of the greatest threats to our skin (and then, to us) is overexposure to the sun and its potentially harmful radiation. Let’s look at some things to keep in mind as you prepare to enjoy the beautiful outdoors.

Australia has the world’s highest rate of skin cancer, so it’s no wonder education is seen as so important to our friends Down Under (Better Health Channel). They promote the five SunSmart measures:

  • Slip on sun-protective clothing that covers as much skin as possible.
  • Slop on SPF50+ broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen. Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before you go outdoors and reapply it every two hours.
  • Slap on a broad-brimmed hat that protects your face, head, neck, and ears.
  • Seek shade.
  • Slide on wrap-around sunglasses. Make sure they are UV protected!

One other very important aspect to keeping your skin healthy is to have an annual skin check either with your primary care provider, or if you are higher risk, with a licensed dermatologist. Prevention and early detection are the keys to keeping your skin (and you!) healthy and cancer-free.

For information on our dermatology services go to: Dermatology Services - Northern Light Health.