Get Involved

Snap a pic, and share it!

Show your support by wearing a bandage of your choice, taking a photo, and sharing it with the #ChildrensHospitalsWeek and #NorthernLightHealth hashtags. You can even write the name of a child you know who has benefitted. (Northern Light Health employees - posting of patient names or patient information must comply with HIPAA and other applicable privacy laws. When in doubt, check with your local privacy officer first.).

Tune in to the Live-athon

Wednesday, March 20, at 8 pm

The exciting, live event will feature appearances by various celebrities and of course, the Champions; 10 kids who represent the 10 million kids treated annually at Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals throughout the U.S. and Canada. Catch the action at

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Celebrate #ChildrensHospitalsWeek with #NorthernLightHealth