Northern Light Health leads new collaborative bringing Maine healthcare providers together

The Maine Healthcare Climate Collaborative is a peer network for healthcare organizations across Maine, focused on knowledge sharing and problem solving around climate change, climate resiliency, and environmental health. Northern Light Health convened the group initially as a way to increase understanding across Maine about healthcare’s out-sized contribution to global warming, and how the effects of climate change effects the patients we all serve. It’s also an opportunity to share some of the lessons we've learned on our journey towards sustainability and learn from others who are on a similar path.

The group is intended to be a true collaborative, driven by the interests and efforts of its members, rather than any one organization. Currently, the Maine Healthcare Climate Collaborative includes representation from Maine’ s largest healthcare systems, as well as independent hospitals, Federally Qualified Health Centers, and nursing homes, and is open to any other organization providing healthcare to the people of Maine that is interested in taking part.