Telehealth for Current Patients of Northern Light Health

Can you use Northern Light Telehealth?

Is it offered for the service you need?

Call your provider and ask. They may also call you.

Can you answer YES to any of these questions?

  • Do you have a smartphone – iOS or Android?
  • Can you connect to the internet? The connection should be a broadband 3G or faster.
  • Do you have a microphone or speaker on your PC/Mac?
  • Did your Dr’s office send you an email so you could meet with your provider using Zoom?

Telehealth may not be available to you

Ask about other care arrangements.


Follow these instructions to use Zoom in our Telehealth patient guide.

If you’re using a smartphone for Zoom, download the app ahead of time from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

If you’re using a PC or Mac computer, or smartphone for Zoom, you can follow the link from the email invite you’ll get from your provider.

Use the phone number in the email invite if that’s how you and your provider agree you’ll receive Northern Light Telehealth.


If you are unable to answer YES to any of the questions in Step 2:

Use the phone number in the email invite your provider sent to you, if that’s how you and your provider agreed you’d receive telehealth.