Cardiovascular Care

Cardiovascular Care is a full-service department offering a variety of testing and education programs for the inpatient and outpatient population with heart and lung problems. 

  • Respiratory therapy services include nebulizer therapy, chest physiotherapy, oxygen delivery, non-invasive and mechanical ventilation.

  • Northern Light Mayo Hospital Sleep Lab: Diagnosis and treatment of obstructive and central sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. Home diagnostic sleep studies with home sleep box.

  • Holter monitoring and scanning: a 24-hour test to diagnose cardiac arrhythmias.

  • 12 Lead EKGs

  • Cardiac stress testing: a cardiac test using a treadmill to diagnose cardiac abnormalities.

  • Nuclear stress testing: a treadmill test used with nuclear scanning & pharmacological stress testing to diagnose cardiac abnormalities.

  • Complete Pulmonary function testing: diffusion and breathing tests used to diagnose lung diseases such as asthma, emphysema or bronchitis.

  • Asthma education is a comprehensive program to identify triggers, disease severity, components of the airway, manage symptoms, maintenance, and acute medications.

  • Smoking Cessation Counseling: both inpatient and outpatient.

  • Vascular Studies: a test to assess the functional impact of patients with peripheral artery/vascular disease.

  • Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring

  • Overnight Pulse Oximetry